What's Happening?

We will be welcoming Fortress Church Ventura Pastor Anthony Salcido and the Fortress congregation!

Sunday 10/20

Jeff & Liz will be meeting the Fortress congregation

Sunday 10/27

Fortress will be joining Journey the Church for Charcuterie Sunday

Sunday 11/3

Fortress' last Sunday

Sunday 11/10

Fortress will start attending Journey together!

About Fortress Church

Fortress Church Ventura started in May of 2019. The name Fortress was inspired by Psalm 46:11, "The Lord of Heaven's Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress." Fortress Church Ventura is a "shelter in the storm," a "safe haven in the chaos," and a "military stronghold in the battle."  

Fortress Church Ventura is a church for those who are lost and desire to be found, for those who are broken and are in need of healing, and for those who are looking for a church family to belong . We exist to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and give Him all the glory.  


About Pastor Anthony Salcido

We asked Anthony some questions so we could all to get to know him better!

How long have you been a Christian? 

I became a Christian when I was 16 years old at a Young Life camp.  My wife Nancy became a “born again” Christian when she was 23 years old when she started attending Cornerstone Community Church in Simi Valley. 

How many years have you been married? 

My wife Nancy and I will be celebrating our 17th Wedding Anniversary on December 28th, 2024. 

Tell us about your kids! 

We have three sons.  Our oldest son is Joshua and he’s 14 years old, our middle son is Joey, and he is 12 years old, and our youngest son is Jesse and he is 10 years old. 

What do you like doing for fun? 

I enjoy adventure and outdoors and anything active.  My wife Nancy enjoys spending time up in Big Bear with family and friends.  

Do you have any hidden talents? 

My wife is bilingual, and I cook a mean tri-tip!

What's your favorite food?  

My favorite food is a good old fashion Mexican food—I know shocker.  My wife enjoys barbecue and salads with all the fixins'.

What motivates you to get closer to God and help others do the same? 

We are recipients of his love, grace, and mercy in our lives. He’s transformed us, and we desire to see others transformed by Jesus in radical ways as well!

What's one of the latest things you've learned from the Bible or learned about God? 

That God is good, and if something isn’t “good,” then it’s not God.  He promises us the “Abundant Life, and anything less than this is not His desire. 

Can you describe a powerful God moment you've had in your life? 

Six years ago God called my wife and I to launch a church called Fortress Church in Ventura.  We never desired to do such a thing, but God made it clear for us to do it. We say God move in ways that were incredible through us saying “yes.” Things such as new conversions, baptisms, family restorations, marriage healing, weddings, celebration of lives, and baby dedications!  It was awesome to witness!

Anything else you'd want the congregation at Journey to know about you? 

We have been praying for Journey the Church ever since we launched in 2018!  We are so excited to see God continue to move in this new season of our lives!